Commins AutoTight® Rod Holdown System |
Organize the Run:
1. Group the runs by number of levels and similar uplift
loading. (Stacked runs work best) Most walls use two identical runs,
one at each end of the shear wall.
2. Identify and mark the runs. A number that correlates with
the number of floors and a letter for each run type is typical.
(Example 3A, 3B, 3C or 3.1, 3.2 etc.).
3. Create a Load Justification Table to show the runs, loads,
rod, story heights and wood shrinkage. Table A shows a typical
Sample Load Justification (Table A) |
3A |
4A |
5A |
Reqd |
Tension |
Diff. |
Reqd |
Tension |
Diff. |
Reqd |
Tension |
Diff. |
Story |
Estimated |
Level |
Load |
Load |
Load |
Load |
Load |
Load |
Load |
Load |
Load |
Heights |
Wood |
lbs |
Rod |
Plate |
lbs |
Rod |
Plate |
lbs |
Rod |
Plate |
Shrinkage |
5 |
3,500 |
10" - 0" |
0.25" |
4 |
3,500 |
6,500 |
10' - 0" |
0.25" |
3 |
3,000 |
6,500 |
10,000 |
10" - 0" |
0.25" |
2 |
5,500 |
11,500 |
16,000 |
10' - 0" |
0.25" |
1 |
8,000 |
17,500 |
25,000 |
10" - 0" |
0.25" |
Sample Load Justification (Table A) lists three runs, Run 3A, 4A and
5A The table includes the following required information:
Required Loads = Cumulative uplift force for each
Story Heights = 10’-0” for each level
Estimate wood Shrinkage = ¼” / level
Building Code = 2003 IBC
Take-Up devices may skip floors
Wood Type = Douglas Fir-Larch
Walls = Six (6) inches |
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Key Structural Information
Specifying the Rod Size
Calculate the Differential Load
Specifying the AutoTight® Components |
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Copyright 2005
Commins Manufacturing, Inc., Friday Harbor, WA 98250, Tel (360) 378-9484 |
AutoTight® Rod Holdown
Systems and components are covered by one or more of the following U.S.
Patents 6,390,747; 6,585,469; 6,625,945, other patents both foreign and
domestic are pending. |